Marknadsinsikt: prisutveckling på gas

The gas price rose for the sixth week running last week on strong inputs from coal and oil. The gas market is also under pressure because storage levels are lagging behind the levels seen in recent years, and the official start of winter is now only one month away. This is not the best situation for a gas market which clearly remembers how last winter ended, and there is therefore considerable unease in the market right now.
In addition to the current storage situation, the gas market is being impacted by the fact that Asian gas prices are up to EUR 10/MWh (~ DKK 0.90/m3!!) higher than in Europe for the coming winter. This makes it profitable to ship LNG from Europe to Asia. In practical terms, we are seeing empty ships arrive in Europe to re-export some of the LNG which had already arrived. This is resulting in low send-out volumes from the European LNG receiving terminals. Not the best situation for a gas market which is already struggling with low storage levels.
A major maintenance project is currently underway in Norway, and this is adding to the uncertainty in the market, as we are seeing a tight supply balance at the moment. This week therefore opened higher again for the gas price, which is also impacted by steadily higher oil and coal prices. The start-up of six French nuclear power stations over the weekend has been unable to provide relief in a nervous gas market.
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